Institute for Advanced Professional Studies

Architecting Secure Enterprise Applications

Threat of Attack:

Most applications on a network WILL be attacked. This is an essential assumption for application programmers, IT professionals and all levels of corporate management.

Applications must be developed with security in mind, as security services cannot be easily or cost effectively retrofitted to most existing applications. Security cannot be an application development afterthought.

Security experts need to be involved with the design, programming and maintenance of all critical applications. This applies to software residing on internal, protected networks or applications exposed to the Internet.

Our Services:

We have extensive experience designing applications with the appropriate level of security. The appropriate level of security for any application depends on numerous factors including:

  • The value of information assets accessed by the application
  • Externally imposed controls
  • The organization's culture
  • What management will support
  • What users will accept

Whether your systems need to protect the integrity of multi-million-dollar transactions, proprietary information, sensitive data, or achieve compliance with externally imposed statutes such as HIPAA, we have the development and testing skills to ensure secure application programming success.

Further Information:

We welcome your inquiries and the opportunity to discuss your organization's application development and testing requirements. We look forward to hearing from you.

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